Wajah polosnya begitu tampan berhias hidung mancung dan bibir merah. Tampil di acara tersebut, salah satu member ASTRO tersebut mengejutkan para penonton dan fans-nya dengan visual yang mempesona. The Law of Jungle - Episode 219 'Anggota suku akan berpindah ke Pulau Titanic dan membangun rumah unik mereka. During his studies, Cha Eun-woo attended Suri Middle School. In the same way, Cha Eun-woo is written in both Korean and Hanja. Lee Dong Min is his birth name, which is spelled in Korean as and Hanja as. He was born in the city of Gunpo in the province of Gyeonggi. Could Ishak be next on the list, or is he the man responsible? Tracking down his more ‘unsavoury’ allies, Serena is shocked to encounter a familiar face: that of her grieving ex-partner, former Malaysian ICD officer Megat Jamil (Bront Palarae). Pertama ada Cha Eun Woo yang ikut terlibat dalam Law of The Jungle di New Caledonia. Cha Eun-woo is a 23-year-old actress who was born on March 30, 1997. As Serena and Heri work together to catch the killer, their inquiries lead them to industrialist/kingpin Datuk Ishak Hassan (Wan Hanafi Su), whose prominent family and known associates all have some connection to the victims.

Seeking answers, Heri finds a way to insert himself into the Malaysian investigation. Meanwhile, in Jakarta, for ICD Lieutenant Heriyanto Salim (Ario Bayu), the case turns personal when his brother is found murdered in similar circumstances. Called in to investigate, Singaporean International Crimes Division (ICD) officer Serena Teo (Rebecca Lim) takes charge of a case across the border where a family has been slaughtered aboard a luxury yacht in Johor.

Apalagi saat ia berani shirtless nih, makin bikin penggemar ngefans deh.
A series of brutal murders, each sharing a signature MO, takes place across Malaysia and Indonesia. Anggota boyband Astro, Cha Eunwoo mampu membius penonton LOTJ dengan penampilannya yang rupanya tidak jauh beda dengan ketika ia tampil bersama dengan grupnya saat menyanyi di atas panggung.